How to type Japanese on your cellphone and laptop?

Use different keyboard (Romaji, QWERTY, Kana, 12-keys) to type Japanese on Android, iOS, Window, and MacOS. Type dakuten(濁点),handakuten(半濁点),ん,づ,ぢ,ゔ,ヴィ,ヴェ,ヴォ,っ,ぁ,ぃ,ぅ,ぇ,ぉ

On Laptop/Desktop

  • ん:nn
  • づ:du (The pronunciation is "zu," when typing, need to differentiate it with "ず".)
  • ぢ:di (The pronunciation is "ji," when typing, need to differentiate it with "じ".)
  • ゔ:vu
  • ヴィ:vi
  • ヴェ:ve
  • ヴォ:vo

Small character

  • っ:repeat the first letter of next word, for example "いって" is "i t te"
  • ぁ:xa
  • ぃ:xi
  • ぅ:xu
  • ぇ:xe
  • ぉ:xo

On Cellphone/Pad

There are two types of Japanese keyboard on Android and iOS.

Same as the real keyboard on laptop/desktop

  1. 1Click the kana: With a long press or double-click, you can switch to another kana that is not visible on the screen.
  2. 2Click the button on the left-bottom to switch between dakuten(濁点), handakuten(半濁点), and small character.


iOS kb

Android kb

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